Air and Nitrox Fills

Air and Nitrox Fills

Air and Nitrox Fills up to 100% available on site.

Our air is filtered and tested in accordance with AS 2299.

Bring Your Certification Cards

You will be asked to provide appropriate certification for air fill / nitrox requests.

Cylinders must be stamped with current hydrostatic test (within 12 months) and in good condition.  

Oxygen Clean
Because we use partial pressure blending to do Nitrox fills, your cylinder and valve must be "Oxygen Clean". During the fill process 100% pure Oxygen will be used. Nitrox cylinders need to be oxygen cleaned with clearly labelled with last oxygen clean date. You can have a custom blend from 21 - 100 %. You will need to produce a Nitrox certification card and you must also know what blend you want and what your MOD (Maximum Operational Depth) is to be.

Please allow a minimum of 45 minutes for blending especially during busy periods. The process of partial pressure filling the cylinders is based on a manual system and on staff priorities serving other customers. The more time you can give us the better and it is appreciated.



Air Fills up to 12 L                             $15         

Air Fills over 12 L                              $18

Air Fill Cards (10 FIlls)                       $120



 NItrox Fills up to 40% 12 L             $25

NItrox FIlls over 40%                        5c per litre of oxygen     + air  



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