Easter Bommie

Easter Bommie

Location:     Lonsdale Reef – Northern End

                     Latitude: 38° 17.017′ S   (38.283617° S / 38° 17′ 1.02″ S)

                     Longitude: 144° 38.611′ E   (144.643517° E / 144° 38′ 36.66″ E)

                     Datum: WGS84

Dive Type:   Boat - Reef

Cert Req’d:  Open Water 18 m

Description: Easter Bommie Reef starts at 16-20m and descends to a sandy bottom at a max depth of 28m. At the base of the bommie, on the sea floor are strange round rocks the size of cannonballs, kind of representing a cluster of easter eggs, No really knows the origin of the name, but is a colourful dive with soft corals and sponges, and overhangs, aisles and ledges to explore. There is plenty of marine life to enjoy, with crayfish known to hang out in the south east.