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Anglerfish - Lophiformes
Order: Lophiiformes
- Anglerfish
- Bony fish named after their predation characteristics
- A fleshy growth from the fish’s head acts as a lure
- Some are pelagic and some are benthic
- Pelagic are most laterally compressed, whereas the benthic are dorsocentrally compressed with large up pointed mouths
- Most adult female ceratoid anglerfish have a luminescent organ called the esca at the tip of the modified dorsal ray (the illicium, or “fishing rod”)
- Purpose of the esca is to lure prey in the dark, deep sea environments
- The esca is also used to get males’ attention for mating
Scientific Name: Rhycherus filamentosus (Castelnau, 1872)
Common Name: Tasselled Anglerfish
Distribution: Endemic to temperate waters of southern Australia, from off Lakes Entrance, Victoria, to Point Sinclair, South Australia, and in northern Tasmania.
Summary: A moderately large and very well-camouflaged anglerfish with skin densely covered in long filaments, and a large fishing lure resembling a marine worm..
Habitat: Pilons at Piers/Jetty, live on rocky reefs that are covered in macroalgae
Depth: 2 – 60 m
Size: 0 – 23 cm
Colour: Colour varies from greyish colour to purplish colour, brownish to reddish with dark and light bars and blotches and a whitish belly
Body: Dorsal fin I+I+I, 12-13; Anal fin 7-8; Caudal fin 9; Pectoral fin 9-11; Pelvic fin 5. Body moderately large, oval, tail base short; skin smooth, without spinules, and densely covered in long filamentous appendages; illicium ('fishing rod’) tipped with a large U-shaped worm-like appendage (esca).
Diet: Carnivore – ambush predator
Reproduction: Like most anglerfishes found in southern Australian waters, females produce large demersal eggs that are protected until the young hatch.
Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. (2020). FishBase. Rhycherus filamentosus (Castelnau, 1872). Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at: on 2020-05-19
Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. (2021). FishBase. Rhycherus filamentosus (Castelnau, 1872). Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at: on 2021-07-03
Scientific Name: Rhycherusfilamentosus (Castelnau, 1872)
Common Name: Tasselled Anglerfish
Distribution: Endemic to temperate waters of southern Australia, from off Lakes Entrance, Victoria, to Point Sinclair, South Australia, and in northern Tasmania.
Summary: A moderately large and very well-camouflaged anglerfish with skin densely-covered in long filaments, and a large fishing lure resembling a marine worm..
Habitat: Pilons at Piers/Jetty, live on rocky reefs that are covered in macroalgae
Depth: 2 – 60 m
Size: 0 – 23 cm
Colour: Colour varies from greyish colour to purplish colour, brownish to reddish with dark and light bars and blotches and a whitish belly
Body: Dorsal fin I+I+I, 12-13; Anal fin 7-8; Caudal fin 9; Pectoral fin 9-11; Pelvic fin 5. Body moderately large, oval, tail base short; skin smooth, without spinules, and densely covered in long filamentous appendages; illicium ('fishing rod’) tipped with a large U-shaped worm-like appendage (esca).
Diet: Carnivore – ambush predator
Reproduction: Like most anglerfishes found in southern Australian waters, females produce large demersal eggs that are protected until the young hatch.
Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. (2020). FishBase. Rhycherusfilamentosus (Castelnau, 1872). Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at: on 2020-05-19
Froese, R. and D. Pauly. Editors. (2021). FishBase. Rhycherusfilamentosus (Castelnau, 1872). Accessed through: World Register of Marine Species at: on 2021-07-03